Pilates for Women over 50
How Women Over 50 Can Benefit From Pilates Pilates is a type of anaerobic exercise that is designed to increase the strength and flexibility of your core muscles. The beauty of Pilates is that it can be done by just about anyone at any fitness level. It involves...
Yoga vs Pilates
Yoga Versus Pilates And Which Should You Choose? While both yoga and Pilates take an integrated mind-body approach to fitness and well-being, their origins, approach to these objectives and methods differ greatly. The emergence of mind-body classes like Pi-Yo and...
Eye Yoga Exercises
Eye Yoga Exercises Do eye yoga exercises have any merit? After doing research it seems it does. Most people are wearing glasses by the time 50 rolls around, so anything that helps strengthen our eyes and improve vision is up there on the anti-aging lifestyle list. ...
Yoga and HIIT
How To Incorporate Yoga To Your HIIT Fitness Routine As someone who practices HIIT and yoga on a regular basis, incorporating yoga into your regular HIIT routine is truly one of the best ways to add more spice and variety to your practice. While most people think that...
Yoga For Stress
How Yoga Alleviates Stress Related Conditions And Body Aches Any situation the body perceives as dangerous or threatening triggers the stress or “fight or flight” response in the body. This threat may be overt physical danger or more subtle, dealing with interpersonal...