How to be Happy being You

 A multi-step approach to becoming Happy! Step 1 of the action plan to get you experiencing happiness fast The first step to happiness is ‘choosing to be happy.’ Rubbish I hear you say, I never chose to be unhappy in the first place!! Well perhaps not, it would be...

8 Steps to Self-Fulfillment

The steps to a better you! Self-Fulfillment - what is it? Quite simply it is the achievement of one’s hopes, ambitions and desires. Most of us have a back of mind daydream of - 'if only' 'if only i had more money', 'if only I had a better life', 'if only I were...

The Flexible Brain

Neuroplasticity – your brain doesn’t drain! Neuroplasticity is a term that refers to the brain's ability to change and adapt as a result of its experience. When people say that the brain possesses plasticity - Neuro refers to neurons, the nerve cells that are the...


The Steps ... Have you ever arrived at a destination and wondered how you actually got there? Or, absentmindedly eaten an entire bar of chocolate and sat with an empty wrapper in your hand, wondering where it went? Well, you are not alone. The majority of us have let...

Your Mind Articles

Stress – Reduce Daily Stress!

Stress – Reduce Daily Stress!

Don't stress! We all want to reduce stress, the ongoing daily grind can get to us all, and if it goes on too long we end up sick. Whilst sorting through my "junk cupboard" I came across two tatty pieces of paper with the following tips on how to reduce daily stress....

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Mindfulness and Quality Of Life

Mindfulness and Quality Of Life

5 Ways Mindfulness Improves Your Quality Of Life You have probably heard about mindfulness, right? You know it's something Buddhist monks do and it is kind of like meditation and you know it's supposed to be good for you. Right? But how good for you is it really and...

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