What is a Baby Boomer Diet
Keep going - longer, faster, you have earned it!Boomer time!
What does a Baby Boomer diet exactly mean ? Was your last meal nutritious and well balanced, or full of ugly fats and high in sugar? The old adage “you are what you eat” is so true, and as we age it all to soon catches up with us.
As Baby Boomer in the 21st century we’ve got plenty of living ahead of us. The worst thing that could happen is to live the last 20/30 years of your life trapped in an ailing body, slowly breaking down through years of misuse.
If your past diet has been high in unhealthy fats, salt, sugar, and out of control portions, you may already be suffering from several diseases prevalent in Western economic countries. At worst Heart disease, Diabetes. Even high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and raised blood sugars are signs you need to change your dietary habits immediately.
Do you have a large midsection? Male or female you have a high risk of heart attack. Don’t be fooled into thinking you’re cuddly. If your fat is visceral ( internal around your organs) as opposed to adipose, the fat you can see on your body, you’re at a much higher risk of weight related diseases.
So what is the best Baby Boomer diet? Arguably any diet that reduces caloric intake resulting in weight loss and improved vitals ( blood pressure etc. ) is a great diet, but anything extreme is not good for any age group. As we age we lose muscle tissue so a Baby Boomer diet needs plenty of good quality low fat protein, that helps build muscle mass and burn fat. Be sensible with animal protein, we all love a roast, just make sure you balance it out with good quality fish, and plenty of plant based protein such as beans. Carbohydrates comprising of whole grains, fruit and vegetable, and lastly good quality fats such as nuts, and olive oil.
Watch your portion sizes, space your meals out, and lastly treat yourself. If your passion is chocolate or ice cream indulge occasionally, that’s what living is all about.
Currently very topical in the media is the 5/2 diet by Dr Michael Mosley. This plans is basically two non consecutive days of intermittent fasting on 500 calories for women and 600 calories for men. This is backed up by a huge amount of scientific research with great results on anti-ageing. Ideal for a Baby Boomer diet, and easy fits in with the diet plan suggested here.
Its very hard to continually follow exact diet plans everyday, something always happens, you slip up, and before you know it every things to hard and your munching on something high fat/ high sugar etc.
Keep it simple, your plate should consist of good quality protein/carbs /fats. If you know you’ve overdone it, cut back the following day. Drink tea and coffee black or with skim/low fat milk, and of course monitor your alcohol. You don’t have to weigh everything that goes into your mouth, just be more intuitive where your food is concerned. Your body will let you know if its unhappy.
Here’s what a typical day on a Baby Boomer diet may look like.
- Boiled egg
- whole meal toast
- slice of avocado
- Pear
- small handful mixed unsalted nuts
- Tomato and red pepper soup with cannelloni beans
- Two whole meal crackers with hummus/ vegetable crudités
- Mediterranean baked fish
- salad
- Dessert Baked apples/cinnamon
Monitor your weight, know your numbers. If you don’t know your Doctors first name you’re not having all these checks done regularly.
A Baby Boomer diet doesn’t have to be complicated, feed your body what it needs, love yourself and enjoy life.