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“The heart of the home beats in the kitchen and a healthy one beats three times a day”
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Your Body
Tabata High Intensity Interval Training
What is Tabata Training? Wow wouldn't it be great to get really fit and lose fat by working out for only four minutes per day!! Well there has been a lot of research on the benefits of high intensity training which has led to some surprising findings, read on…. There...
Yoga and HIIT
How To Incorporate Yoga To Your HIIT Fitness Routine As someone who practices HIIT and yoga on a regular basis, incorporating yoga into your regular HIIT routine is truly one of the best ways to add more spice and variety to your practice. While most people think that...
Photoshop Versus Natural Beauty
Sometimes things aint what they seem! Unfortunately there is a very ugly side to what this video so funnily portrays. From air brushed cover models to waif like catwalk models who look like walking skeletons. Ask most men and they prefer a women with as my...
What is Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy, makes scents! Aromatherapy is the practice of using essential oils from plants for the purpose of healing. There are numerous ways that you can use essential oils. Some of the most popular approaches are inhalation, massaging essential oils into the...
Your Mind
Yoga For Stress
How Yoga Alleviates Stress Related Conditions And Body Aches Any situation the body perceives as dangerous or threatening triggers the stress or “fight or flight” response in the body. This threat may be overt physical danger or more subtle, dealing with interpersonal...
Mindfulness and Quality Of Life
5 Ways Mindfulness Improves Your Quality Of Life You have probably heard about mindfulness, right? You know it's something Buddhist monks do and it is kind of like meditation and you know it's supposed to be good for you. Right? But how good for you is it really and...
Your Life
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Your Food
Hoodia Diet Hype
Hoodia and the Hype! What is Hoodia Gordonii? Hoodia gordonii is a small succulent plant. It has no leaves but some spines, and is pollinated by flies. It attracts these with the rotting meat smell its flowers produce. It is also known as the Slimming Cactus, although...
Seven Benefits of Turmeric
Turmeric Is a commonly used spice that originates from the Curcuma plant. In the Western World turmeric is mainly associated with spicy foods and curries. However, this beautiful golden colored spice has recently risen to the top of the spice world, and is known for...
Chicken and Prawn Laksa
Easy to make and very tasty! Serves 4 This is an incredibly aromatic and tasty soup. The key flavours come from a high quality red curry paste (we used Ayam) It's just not worth trying to make your own paste, you'll find that most restuarants don't either. Leave it...
Indian Red Lentil Soup
A great soup for those winter days! Serves 4Ready in 35 minutes This is a great recipe for vegitarians or for someone who just wants a chnage from a meat dinner. It is a very hearty and filling soup, and what's more it tastes awesome! Ingredients 1 1⁄2cups mung beans...
Getting started ? – try these …
Meditation - Calm, Stillness and Inner Peace
A Mindful journey is free for all to travel, you don’t need a ticket, just hop on for the ride, the end of the road is enlightenment.
Life's a Stretch!
Use it or lose it! How many times have you heard that before? Nonetheless, it is still very much a true observation. Do you have the Will Power?
Oils aint Oils especially when they’re used in Aromatherapy! Have a sniff around why these oils have great therapeutic benefits.
Think about this ….

Dreaming of a secret place

Life is NOT a Straight Line