Brain Health Supplements

Do we need them, do they work?

Are You Thinking!

Brain health supplements – do we really need to take them? Do they offer something more than an optimal diet? Personally I think they do. Even if you feel your diet is optimal our brains age just as the rest of our bodies do. If you’re over 50, don’t take your lump of grey matter for granted. Feed and nurture your brain and you’ll still be loving life well into your 80’s, or even longer. One of my biggest fears is getting dementia or even worse Alzheimer’s disease. I fear this more that cancer or any other type of illness. It’s of no surprise then that brain health is a personal crusade of mine.

Are you feeding your brain with the best anti aging foods? Playing brain games, throwing in crosswords, Sudoku, even some chess, and regularly stepping outside your comfort zone. Hopefully you’re eating nourishing foods, and incorporating some form of these brain “exercises.” All of these activities are vital to keep our brain “young ” and healthy, even more so as we age. If the answer is yes – fantastic, but can we do more.

How can we take it to the next level to ensure we’re doing EVERYTHING to keep our neurons firing. Brain health supplements are the logical next step, after all its common place to take supplements to keep our body in tip top health so why not our brains. Its pointless taking supplements if you haven’t got the basics in place, so a great anti aging diet and plenty of brain exercise activities.

There are several supplements on the market that you can buy at most good quality pharmacies – these include Gingko-Biloba, Siberian ginseng, Coenzyme Q10, and omega 3 fatty acid. These supplements are fantastic as part of a anti-aging regime, however if you want to take brain health to the next level we’re talking about Nootropics, (smart drugs) specific supplements that enhance brain health and cognitive performance.

After doing much personal research I take the Brain Pill at the time of writing this article I’ve only been taking this anti-aging brain supplement for a month, but have already noticed a marked increase in my concentration levels. AKA brain fog. This one benefit alone is fantastic for me as I’ve always struggled with low energy and brain fog due to an under active thyroid.
I intend to do an in depth review after 6 months of supplementation.