What is the truth about cellulite? Why do we all obsess so much about it (me included) the stats. say it affects 90% of adult women – so what is it in our psyche that makes us all cringe with fear and loathing the first time we see a slight ripple on our skin. I guess if the media didn’t obsess so much about it we wouldn’t either. I feel it’s very dis-empowering to women when cellulite photos of celebrities are plastered all over the media. Life is challenging enough for women without us having to continually strive for perfectly smooth skin because it’s perceived as a “social norm.”
women are their own worst critics. Why have we been so brainwashed? Do we think our men will love us less – if the truth be known half of them either don’t notice it or just don’t care. But we have been brainwashed and we do care – so consequently the cellulite product market is massive. I will be writing more blogs on the truth about cellulite and the products out there – but recently came across this YouTube clip re caffeine touted as a natural remedy for cellulite.
I love my coffee and I suppose if you’re into recycling this is as good a way as any to recycle those beans, and it’s messy.
But does it work?
Coffee works by dehydrating the skin making it tighter and therefore giving a smoother appearance. However, this is a temporary effect – caffeine would have to penetrate the epidermis and then the dermis to get to our fat stores. It’s more about the effect of massaging your skin on a regular basis with a good quality cream. It would certainly be much less messier and more beneficial in the quest for smoother skin. Most women already know that regular massage, a clean diet, exercise, and drinking copious amounts of water is good for smoothing out the dreaded cellulite. If you’re overweight this only exacerbates the problem (for most women) you can be slim and still have bad cellulite. Unfortunately we have no say in our genetic blueprint. Many women develop cellulite as teenagers and battle with it through all their adult life.
Unless you are grossly overweight which may lead to serious health problems, cellulite is more an aesthetic problem for women. It’s not pretty but you won’t die from it!! Women are more lightly to “age” through the stress of trying to get rid of/hide the dreaded cellulite. There are many great products on the market that help to keep cellulite under control, but there are no miracle solutions. I have tried the coffee massage myself and yes it does tighten, and gives you a temporary smoother appearance to your skin. Great for a special occasion, and I may use it for that reason, not as a cure.
Can you get rid of cellulite?
You can significantly reduce it’s appearance – honestly I don’t know anyone who has totally got rid of it. But for saying that I’m sure we would all be happy with 80%. It takes a lot of clean living and TIME. Just think how many years it’s taken for the cellulite to accumulate on your body, it won’t take that long to start seeing a reduction, just realize it’s an on going process that needs constant maintenance.Lastly don’t stress over cellulite!! The truth about cellulite!! – Cut yourself a bit of slack, you belong to an exclusive club; over 90% of woman have cellulite.
You’re not alone!
Products that can help combat Cellulite
The are literally thousands of products out there that claim to help reduce Cellulite – we believe that these products are some of the better ones.