8 Steps to Self-Fulfillment

You can change your life!

The steps to a better you!

Self-Fulfillment – what is it?

Quite simply it is the achievement of one’s hopes, ambitions and desires.

Most of us have a back of mind daydream of – ‘if only

if only i had more money‘, ‘if only I had a better life‘, ‘if only I were thinner and healthier‘!!

We live in a fast paced world, it is very easy to feel dissatisfied with our current lot and feel that we are unhappy, without knowing why.

Most of us feel that we are in need of self-fulfilment, even if we use another term or name for this goal.

It is a fact of life that self-fulfillment and happiness do not always come from the material things that we crave.

Self-fulfillment is a mental attitude that will ultimately determine the levels of happiness and contentment in our lives.

Below are 8 steps that you can take, that will help you attain more satisfaction and a more self-fulfilled life – they are relatively easy steps and cost mothing other than time and a positive attitude!

Step 1 Visualizing Your Success

Unless you have some goals, you wont know if you are progressing forward or achieving anything!  Everyone’s goals are different – maybe you want to lose weight, want a different career path, want to learn a new skill.

It is essential is that you are clear on what success will look like and feel like – visualize yourself in this new world.

Take time to write down a tangible set of steps to reach each goal.

When you have written them down and put them in a prominent place where you will see them everyday. You will be amazed how front of mind they will become in your life, when you can see your goals in front of you each day.

Step 2 Be in charge of yourself

Putting all excuses aside, the truth is that only you are in charge and responsible for your happiness and self-fulfillment. Too often we allow others to be responsible for us.

Don’t blame others or delegate your happiness, take ownership and develop a can-do attitude of taking charge of all aspects of your life.

This will take effort if you have been used to giving others this responsibility!

Step 3 Look after yourself

It sounds obvious to say that you need to look after your physical health and needs. However, it is vital if you want to take full advantage of your life and keep on the path of your self-fulfillment goals.

The internet is overloaded with advice on physical well-being, fitness, and healthy diets. Find one that suits your lifestyle and give it a go!  Again, looking after yourself will potentially cost you nothing other that a right mental attitude and focus.

Step 4 – Congratulate Yourself

The path to a satisfying life and self-fulfillment will have many steps. Each time you reach one of your goals, it is very important for some self-acknowledgement and congratulation.

Recognize this achievement, celebrate by doing something as simple as a dinner out with a loved one, or buy yourself something you have wanting for a while, but have been postponing.

Step 5 – Helping Others

One of the ‘great habits‘ of successful people is how much they help others. This can be with your immediate family or friends. You can also aim to do some level of community service, you can always guarantee that there will always be people in greater need than yourself.

There are many ways to help others, you could join an organisation that is geared to helping others – like Rotary or Lions. They have the skills and organisational ability to get you engaged very easily. It’s also a great way to make new friends who share similar goals.

Step 6 – Constant Learning

Becoming a lifelong learner is one of the most important steps to becoming self-fulfilled. Someone who learns new things constantly throughout there life is always expanding their horizons.

Step 7 – Focus on the positive

Self-fulfillment doesn’t happen overnight – it will take a conscious effort on your part. A key part of self-fulfillment is the journey you take to reach it.

It is always easier to find the negative things in our life and the world around us – make a determined effort to find some of the positive things.

As you progress through the goals you have set, focusing on the positive changes that have occurred in your life will become easier and easier!

Step 8 – Pay attention to the possibilities

By following the above steps, you should become notice an increasing clarity and awareness of the positive improvements in your life.

Through these improvements new possibilities and opportunities will present themselves. Pay attention to these new opportunities and take advantage of them as they arise.

Each new opportunity is an acknowledgement and reinforcement of the effectiveness of the steps you are taking to reach your goals on the path to self-fulfillment.

In Summary: –

Give some serious thought to some of your unquestioned beliefs – are they still valid, are they still relevant to your current life and your goals. If not, then make the appropriate changes.

Self-Fulfillment is a life-long jouney, but the road to it can be fun!